Download Instructions.
We try to make your download as simple as possible.
Our downloads are not automatic. We always check every download before sending it to ensure it is correct. This is not possible with automatic downloads. All our downloads are sent manually therefore they are not instant. Normaly within 1 hour but no more than 24 hours.
The link to download the manual 's is sent to the email address you used in checkout via Filemail, Just follow the simple instructions on the page. The link never expires but will be removed if it is found to have been abused. (sold or passed on to a Third Party) You will only need to use it again if you have lost the manual you downloaded. All files are in PDF format, and can be read buy an PDF reader software. They are all none restricted and can be printed or copied to another machine, Laptop, Pad or Phone. They never expire.
We advise after download to place files in a suitable folder and back them up to a USB Drive.
Note: Due to the media being a download and by its nature is none returnable, unless we have made an error, once our server log shows that the file or files have been downloaded there are no refunds.
Any problems downloading use the contact form to advise us so we can help.
If you lose your manual and the download link as long as we have a record of your purchase we will always replace it
free of charge.